Summer Camps in the Czech Republic

From June to August, many people have free time that they want to spend on something important and exciting. Sitting around for three whole months is boring, and you don’t want to spend all summer months studying or at work. MSM Academy offers a good alternative to rest by the sea or in the country. Summer camps in the Czech Republic is an affordable opportunity to spend the summer months profitably in the very center of Europe.

MSM Academy offers 14 different summer vacation programs. They are suitable for athletes who dream of improving the level of a foreign language without interrupting training, young travelers, and professionals who want to increase their professional value. Living in Prague, you can easily learn the basics of the Czech language, improve your English or German and see a lot of interesting sights not only in Prague but also in other European cities.

Summer Camps in the Czech Republic


Whatever program you choose, MSM Academy offers classes with professional teachers who are also native speakers. The entertainment program includes trips to Czech cities and other EU countries. This is a rare opportunity to study with pleasure, find new friends around the world, as well as get acquainted with the higher education system in the Czech Republic (in all programs, participants are also invited to take a tour of Czech universities).

Summer English Course

Camps in the Czech Republic

Many students of all ages from all over the world take this summer course every year. Being in the very heart of Europe, you can easily master the language of Shakespeare and easily overcome the entrance tests to the university or pass the desired interview in English. Summer camps abroad is suitable for people of any level of English.


Summer English Course + IELTS

IELTS in Prague

If you do not just want to improve your English but are planning to take the international IELTS exam for the sake of a certificate, this intensive course will be the best choice. Over the summer, its participants can prepare well for the test and show good results. The program also includes the IELTS exam itself and the certificate.


Summer Course of Czech and English

Summer Course in Prague

The language school MSM Academy in Prague invites everyone to get acquainted with Czech and deepen their knowledge of English for summer courses. Studying with native speakers of both languages, our students quickly learn the basics and fill knowledge gaps. The program also includes a cultural program.


Summer Czech Language Course

czech course

If your goal is to study in the Czech Republic, you cannot do it without knowing the state language. To enter a university for free, you need to pass an exam on knowledge of Czech. This camp in the Czech Republic will help you get to know the language and also get to know the culture of the Czech.


Summer German Course

берлин германия

If you want to learn German in Europe but prices in Germany for housing and food are confusing, visit the Czech Republic in the summer. A small European country may offer more affordable rates, but the quality of education in the Czech Republic is just as good as German. The teachers are native speakers.


Summer Football Academy + English

football in the czech republic

This summer camps in the Czech Republic is ideal for football players who are seriously involved in sports or have just started to get involved in it. But what if you need to think not only about your sports career but also about your studies? You can learn English in parallel with training by visiting a summer football camp in Prague.


Summer Tennis Course + English

теннис в Праге

Going to a summer camp abroad, tennis players can not stop training, and beginners can get acquainted with this sport. By studying English with native speakers, you can hone your skills in local courts and meet like-minded people.


Martial Arts Camp + English

боевые искусства

Young men and women who are keen on martial arts can combine their favorite sport with language training. And for a beginner, this is a good opportunity to try something new, expand your vocabulary and look at a beautiful city with a lot of attractions.


Summer Dance Academy + English

школа танцев

The course is suitable for both pros and novice dance lovers. Classes with a professional choreographer alternate with English lessons. This combination will allow you to get a lot of pleasant summer experiences and make significant progress in both directions.


Summer Fitness Course + English

фитнес академия в Праге

The summer fitness course will help you not only improve your physical condition but also learn the basics of proper nutrition and improve your level of English. The course also includes trips around the Czech Republic and excursions around Prague.


Summer Internship in Tourism + English

internship in prague

Prague is a city visited by hundreds of tourists every year. You can visit it as part of an internship, getting a job in one of the hotels or restaurants. By interacting with native speakers and studying with teachers, you will improve your language skills every day.


English Holiday 14 Days

Английские каникулы 14 дней

English holidays in Prague lasting 14 days will help you not only significantly improve your English in classes with professional teachers and native speakers but also have an interesting and rich time in Prague with our entertainment program from the MSM Academy.

2 Month Summer Course


A two-month course in Prague during which you can choose to study Czech, English or both of these languages at once. The price of the course also includes a rich cultural and entertainment program with excursions and trips around the Czech Republic and the support of coordinators.


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